Master the Philidor Defense

Master the Philidor Defense
William T Green

William T Green

Jul 10, 2023


The Philidor Defense is a popular chess opening that begins with the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6. It is named after the French chess player François-André Danican Philidor, who is considered to be one of the greatest chess players of all time. In this article, we will explore the Philidor Defense in detail and provide a complete guide on how to play this opening successfully.

Understanding the Philidor Defense: 

The Philidor Defense is a solid defense that aims to control the center and develop the pieces in a harmonious way. The main idea behind the opening is to create a solid pawn structure that is difficult for the opponent to attack. The advantages of playing the Philidor Defense are that it is a solid opening that is hard to crack, while the main disadvantage is that it can be passive and defensive.

Basic Principles of the Philidor Defense: 

The starting moves of the Philidor Defense are 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6. The pawn structure is symmetrical, with both sides having pawns on e5 and d6. Piece development is crucial, and players must focus on getting their pieces out quickly and effectively. The knights should be developed to c6 and f6, while the bishop should be developed to d7. The queen can be developed to e7 or c7, depending on the position.

Variations and Lines: 

There are several variations and lines in the Philidor Defense, but the most common are 3.d4, 3.exd5, and 3.Nc3. In the 3.d4 variation, White aims to gain control of the center with the move d4. In the 3.exd5 variation, White captures the e5 pawn with the queen, and Black can recapture with the knight or pawn. In the 3.Nc3 variation, White develops the knight to c3 and aims to control the center.

Typical Mistakes to Avoid: 

There are several mistakes that players should avoid when playing the Philidor Defense. These include neglecting the importance of development, moving pawns too early, and failing to protect the king. Players must focus on getting their pieces out quickly and effectively while maintaining a solid pawn structure.

Playing Tips and Strategies:


To attack in the Philidor Defense, players should focus on controlling the center and developing their pieces. Players can also look for weak points in the opponent's pawn structure and aim to exploit them. To defend in the Philidor Defense, players should focus on maintaining a solid pawn structure and developing their pieces. To counterattack, players can look for opportunities to launch a surprise attack or create a strong counterattack.

Dmitrii Marcziter - Maksym Goroshkov 


1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Bg4 4. Bc4 Nd7 5. Nc3 exd4 6. Qxd4 Ngf6 7. Bg5 Be7 8. O-O-O h6 9. Bh4 O-O 10. h3 Bh5 11. g4 Bg6 12. g5 hxg5 13. Nxg5 Nh5 14. Rhg1 Ne5

15. Be2 Nf4 16. Qe3 Nxe2+ 17. Qxe2 f6 18. Ne6 Qe8 19. Nxf8 Bh5 20. Qe3 Qxf8 21. f4 Nf3 22. Bf2 Nxg1 23. Rxg1 c6 24. Qg3 Qf7 25. Bd4 Re8 26. Kb1 Bf8 27. a3 d5

28. e5 c5 29. Bf2 fxe5 30. fxe5 Qe6 31. Re1 d4 32. Nb5 Qd7 33. Nd6 Bxd6 34. Exd6 Rxe1+ 35. Bxe1 Bf7 36. Bd2 Qe6 37. b3 c4 38. Bh6 Qxh6 

39. d7 Qf6 40. Qb8+ Kh7 41. d8=Q Qf1+ 42. Kb2 c3+ 43. Ka2 Bxb3+ 44. Kxb3 Qb5+ 45. Ka2 Qb2# 0-1

Key Takeaways & Analysis:

e4 e5: The game starts with the Open Game, where both players aim to control the center with their pawns.

Nf3 d6: White develops the knight to f3, aiming for central control and preparing for further piece development. Black plays d6, reinforcing the control over the center and preparing to complete the development of the kingside pieces.

d4 Bg4: White pushes the d-pawn to d4, aiming to control the center and potentially open up lines for piece activity. Black's bishop moves to g4, pinning the knight to the queen and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Bc4 Nd7: White develops the light-squared bishop to c4, aiming for control over key diagonals and potentially preparing for further piece development. Black's knight develops to d7, reinforcing the center and preparing for future plans.

Nc3 exd4: White's knight moves to c3, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black captures the pawn on d4. White recaptures with the queen. Black captures the pawn on d4, exchanging pawns and potentially aiming for central control.

Qxd4 Ngf6: White's queen moves to d4, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats. Black develops the knight to f6, centralizing the knight and preparing for future plans.

Bg5 Be7: White's bishop moves to g5, potentially aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over key squares. Black's bishop moves to e7, reinforcing the center and maintaining flexibility.

O-O-O h6: White castles kingside, ensuring the safety of the king and potentially preparing for further piece activity. Black plays h6, potentially preparing to challenge the bishop and gain more control over the center.

Bh4 O-O: White's bishop moves back to h4, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black castles kingside, ensuring the safety of the king and potentially preparing for future maneuvers.

h3 Bh5: White pushes the h-pawn, potentially aiming to create weaknesses around Black's king and potentially aiming for a kingside attack. Black moves the bishop back to h5, maintaining piece coordination and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

g4 Bg6: White pushes the g-pawn, aiming to open up lines and potentially create threats. Black captures the pawn on g4 with the bishop, reinforcing the bishop's position and potentially preparing for future counterplay.

g5 hxg5: White pushes the g-pawn further, aiming to undermine Black's pawn structure and potentially create weaknesses. Black captures the pawn on g5, maintaining control over key squares and reinforcing the pawn structure.

Nxg5 Nh5: White's knight moves to g5, aiming to exploit weaknesses in Black's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities. Black's knight moves to h5, aiming to reinforce key squares and maintain flexibility.

Rhg1 Ne5: White's rook moves to h1, potentially aiming for further maneuvering and reinforcing the center. Black's knight moves to e5, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Be2 Nf4: White's bishop moves to e2, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's knight moves to f4, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Qe3 Nxe2+: White's queen moves to e3, potentially aiming to reinforce the defense and maintain control over key squares. Black sacrifices the knight with Nxe2+, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Qxe2 f6: White captures Black's knight on e2 with the queen. Black pushes the f-pawn, potentially aiming to create threats and restrict White's position.

Ne6 Qe8: White's knight moves to e6, capturing the bishop and aiming to exploit weaknesses in Black's position. Black's queen moves to e8, potentially aiming to maintain control over the position and prepare for further threats.

Nxf8 Bh5: White captures the pawn on f8 with the knight. Black captures the knight on f8 with the bishop, maintaining control over key squares and reinforcing the pawn structure.

Qe3 Qxf8: White's queen moves to e3, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black captures the pawn on f3 with the queen, aiming to open up lines and potentially create threats.

f4 Nf3: White pushes the f-pawn, aiming to open up lines and potentially create threats. Black's knight moves to f3, aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over the position.

Bf2 Nxg1: White's bishop moves to f2, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black captures the bishop on g1, further materializing the advantage and potentially aiming for future threats.

Rxg1 c6: White's rook moves to g1, aiming to reinforce the position and potentially preparing for further maneuvering. Black plays c6, potentially aiming to restrict White's position and create opportunities for counterplay.

Qg3 Qf7: White's queen moves to g3, potentially aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats. Black's queen moves to f7, aiming to maintain control over key squares and potentially preparing for further counterplay.

Bd4 Re8: White's bishop moves to d4, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's rook moves to e8, potentially aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over the position.

Kb1 Bf8: White's king moves to b1, potentially aiming to safeguard against potential threats and maintain control over the position. Black's bishop moves back to f8, maintaining flexibility and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

a3 d5: White plays a3, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the d-pawn, aiming to open up lines and potentially create threats against White's position.

e5 c5: White pushes the e-pawn, aiming to open up lines and create weaknesses in Black's position. Black captures the pawn on e5, potentially aiming for counterplay and maintaining control over key squares.

Bf2 fxe5: White's bishop moves back to f2, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black captures the pawn on e5, further materializing the advantage and potentially preparing for future counterplay.

fxe5 Qe6: White's pawn moves to e5, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's queen moves to e6, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats.

Re1 d4: White's rook moves to e1, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the d-pawn, potentially aiming to create threats and undermine White's position.

Nb5 Qd7: White's knight moves to b5, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's queen moves to d7, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats.

Nd6 Bxd6: White's knight captures the pawn on d6. Black captures back with the bishop on d6, maintaining control over key squares and potentially preparing for future counterplay.

exd6 Rxe1+: White captures the bishop on d6. Black's rook checks on e1, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Bxe1 Bf7: White's bishop moves to e1, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's bishop moves to f7, reinforcing the defense and potentially aiming for future threats.

Bd2 Qe6: White's bishop moves to d2, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's queen moves to e6, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats.

b3 c4: White plays b3, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the c-pawn, potentially aiming to open up lines and create threats against White's position.

Bh6 Qxh6: White plays Bh6, creating threats against Black's king. Black captures the pawn on h6 with the queen, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

d7 Qf6: White's pawn promotes to queen with check. Black's queen moves to f6, aiming to maintain control over the position and potentially preparing for further threats.

Qb8+ Kh7: White's queen checks on b8, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities. Black's king moves to h7, aiming to safeguard against potential threats and potentially preparing for further maneuvers.

d8=Q Qf1+: White's pawn promotes to queen with check. Black's queen checks on f1, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Kb2 c3+: White's king moves to b2, aiming to safeguard against potential threats and maintain control over the position. Black's pawn checks on c3, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Ka2 Bxb3+: White's king moves to a2. Black's bishop checks on b3, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Kxb3 Qb5+: White's king moves to b2. Black's queen checks on b5, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Ka2 Qb2#: White's king moves to a2. Black's queen checks on b2, resulting in checkmate.

0-1: White is checkmated. Black wins the game.

This game featured interesting maneuvering and tactical opportunities, with both players seeking chances for attack and counterplay. Black's strong pawn play and active piece coordination led to a decisive victory

BlackWidow515 vs. Irine Kharisma Sukandar


1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 d6 3. Bc4 Be7 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. O-O O-O 6. d4 exd4 7. Nxd4 c6 8. Bg5 Nxe4 9. Bxe7 Qxe7 10. Re1 Nxc3 11. Rxe7 Nxd1 12. Rxd1 d5 13. Bb3 Nd7 14. c4 dxc4

15. Bxc4 Nb6 16. Bb3 a5 17. a3 a4 18. Ba2 Ra5 19. Rde1 Nd5 20. R7e5 g6 21. Nf3

Bg4 22. Nd2 Rb5 23. Nc4 Be6 24. g3 Nc7 25. R5e4 Rd8 

26. R1e2 Rd1+ 27. Kg2 Ra1 28. Nd6 Rxa2 29. Nxb5 Nxb5 30. h4 Bd5 0-1

Key Takeaways & Analysis:

e4 e5: The game starts with the Open Game, where both players aim to control the center with their pawns.

Nf3 d6: White's knight develops to f3, aiming for central control and preparing for further piece development. Black plays d6, reinforcing the control over the center and preparing to complete the development of the kingside pieces.

Bc4 Be7: White's bishop develops to c4, aiming for control over key diagonals and reinforcing the center. Black's bishop moves to e7, reinforcing the center and maintaining flexibility.

Nc3 Nf6: White's knight moves to c3, potentially aiming to support the control of the d4 square and preparing for future maneuvers. Black's knight moves to f6, centralizing the knight and preparing for future plans.

O-O O-O: White castles kingside, ensuring the safety of the king and potentially preparing for further piece activity. Black castles kingside, ensuring the safety of the king and potentially preparing for future maneuvers.

d4 exd4: White pushes the d-pawn to d4, aiming to control the center and potentially open up lines for piece activity. Black captures the pawn on d4, exchanging pawns and aiming for central control.

Nxd4 c6: White's knight captures back on d4. Black plays c6, potentially aiming to restrict White's position and create opportunities for counterplay.

Bg5 Nxe4: White's bishop moves to g5, potentially aiming to provoke weaknesses in Black's position. Black sacrifices the knight with Nxe4, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Bxe7 Qxe7: White captures the knight on e4 with the bishop. Black's queen captures the bishop on e7, reinforcing the pawn structure and maintaining control over key squares.

Re1 Nxc3: White's rook moves to e1, potentially aiming for further maneuvering and reinforcing the position. Black captures the pawn on c3 with the knight, further materializing the advantage and potentially aiming for future counterplay.

Rxe7 Nxd1: White's rook captures the knight on d1. Black captures back on d1 with the rook, maintaining control over key squares and reinforcing the position.

Rxd1 d5: White's rook moves to d1, potentially aiming for further maneuvering and reinforcing the position. Black pushes the d-pawn, aiming to open up lines and potentially create threats against White's position.

Bb3 Nd7: White's bishop moves to b3, potentially aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over key squares. Black develops the knight to d7, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

c4 dxc4: White plays c4, potentially aiming to open up lines and create threats against Black's position. Black captures the pawn on c4, maintaining control over key squares and potentially aiming for future counterplay.

Bxc4 Nb6: White's bishop moves back to c4, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's knight moves to b6, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Bb3 a5: White's bishop moves back to b3, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the a-pawn, potentially aiming to restrict White's position and create opportunities for counterplay.

a3 a4: White plays a3, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the a-pawn further, aiming to restrict White's position and create opportunities for counterplay.

Ba2 Ra5: White's bishop moves to a2, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's rook moves to a5, aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over the position.

Rde1 Nd5: White's rook moves to e1, potentially aiming for further maneuvering and reinforcing the position. Black develops the knight to d5, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

R7e5 g6: White's rook moves to e5, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black pushes the g-pawn, potentially aiming to create threats and undermine White's kingside pawn structure.

Nf3 Bg4: White's knight moves to f3, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's bishop moves to g4, aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over the position.

Nd2 Rb5: White's knight moves to d2, aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's rook moves to b5, aiming for potential threats and maintaining control over the position.

Nc4 Be6: White's knight moves to c4, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's bishop moves back to e6, maintaining flexibility and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

g3 Nc7: White plays g3, potentially aiming to create a safe square for the king and reinforce the position. Black's knight moves to c7, aiming to exploit weaknesses in White's position and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

R5e4 Rd8: White's rook moves to e4, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's rook moves to d8, aiming to control the open file and potentially preparing for future counterplay.

R1e2 Rd1+: White's rook moves to e2, potentially aiming to reinforce the position and maintain control over key squares. Black's rook checks on d1, aiming to create threats and potentially aiming for tactical opportunities.

Kg2 Ra1: White's king moves to g2, aiming to safeguard against potential threats and maintain control over the position. Black's rook moves to a1, potentially aiming for threats and maintaining control over the position.

Nd6 Rxa2: White's knight captures the rook on a2. Black captures back with the rook on a2, further materializing the advantage and potentially aiming for future threats.

Nxb5 Nxb5: White's knight captures the bishop on b5. Black's knight captures back on b5, maintaining control over keysquares and potentially aiming for future counterplay.

h4 Bd5: White's pawn moves to h4, potentially aiming to create weaknesses around Black's king and potentially aiming for a kingside attack. Black's bishop moves to d5, potentially aiming to trade off pieces and reinforce the position


 In conclusion, the Philidor Defense is a solid opening that is hard to crack. By understanding the basic principles of the Philidor Defense, players can successfully play this opening and take their opponents by surprise. By avoiding typical mistakes and following playing tips and strategies, players can become successful Philidor Defense players. We hope this guide has provided you with valuable insights into how to play the Philidor Defense successfully.